Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate BTS’ 10-year anniversary with us 💜 What a pleasure it’s to be surrounded by people who share the same interests!
Much love to:
• @outlandoslo for being such cool people, who are sincere and genuine in what they do - being a safe space for everyone, regardless of whatever interests people have. THAT is exactly the people/brands we enjoy to engage with, because we want to be a destination of joy and bring people together.
• @official.unc@lene.xuu@hyorisshi@caca_am for bringing an upbeat mood during the K-POP-dance competition and RPD! Lene was a host for those activities, and she killed it (it was her first time as a host too!!).
• @mkvassbotn@annelile@tiril_ly who helped us during the event and handed out freebies.
• The participants for K-POP dance competition and RPD for the positive vibes. Dance and music truly bring people together, and you all ROCKED it!
• ARMYs and multistans who visited us and made it a succesful day.
Stay tuned for upcoming events 💜