NEW VERSION OF OUR KOREAN TOASTY: Egg-Free Korean Toasty! We heard your feedback regarding making our delicious toasts egg-free, so here it is - made with love and care for our customers with egg allergy ❤️🩹
It starts with our signature Japanese milk bread, grilled to golden perfection. When taking a bite, you will get that perfect crunch. Then when you dig inside, you will be met with cheese, salad, and extra avocado (if that’s your style!), the toast is without egg!
Enjoy the versions of Korean Toasty we have - fit for vegetarians, omnivores and halal-conscious friends 🥪💫
Come take a bite, and enjoy a toast made just for you!
❗️ONLY available at TeaOlogy Storo Storsenter.
It can’t be made gluten-free or vegan!
- TAGS -
#SPSwithTeaOlogy #Bubbletea #Boba #TeaOlogy #Oslo #Norway #KoreanToasty #Toast #AsianCuisine #EggFree #Vegetarian #Innovation #Halal #norge #vegetar #storostorsenter